During the fall and winter of 2020 I produced 15 livestream concerts inside of the HR Records shop for the first season of their “Tiny Stage Concert Series”. My responsibilities, besides booking the majority of the bands, included running the sound, directing and recording the livestream, lighting, and photography. I was approached by owner Charvis Campbell about going forward with this series and I am extremely proud of what was able to manifest inside the shop and on our tiny stage. I wanted the bands to reflect the diversity of sounds present in the DC music scene so I booked everything from bands playing Pre-Columbian music of the Andes, jazz, hip-hop, Go-Go, rnb, reggae, etc. During a time when spaces across the city and the globe were shutting down temporarily or permanently for live music, we were able to open our doors and create a small platform for local musicians to showcase their sounds. I would like to thanks Charvis Campbell and Mike Bernstein for allowing their shop to be utilized for this project, Verizon and the Washington Informer for providing much needed sound and lighting equipment to make this happen, Matt Tally for his role in the development of the series, and of course all of the talented musicians and artists that blessed our tiny stage.